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Twitch Data API

Scraping Twitch data through an API has never been so easy.

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What can you do with it

Real-time Twitch data via APIs

Our set of Twitch APIs allows you to get any data publicly available on Twitch:

  • Creator
  • View count
  • Content tags
  • Video restrictions
  • Video ID
  • Dates/Times
  • Languages
  • Video URL
  • Video length
  • Game
  • Follower count
  • Video metadata

Made for businesses that want to scale 🚀

We offer the most reliable and robust set of APIs to scrape large volumes of data from Twitch. No outdated data, no long lead times, no Twitch account needed.


Easy to use

Do a simple REST API call and get the data. As simple as that.

Check out our Python library!

Real time data

When you send a request, we perform the scraping in real time and retrieve the data in <5 seconds. No outdated information



Have some specific request? We are happy to customize the API to better suit your needs!

Getting started is easy


Sign up and try now

Sign up on our platform (no credit card required) and get immediately your API token to start using the API for free!

Sign up

Need assistance? Send us a message!

If you do not understand how to use our APIs, have any questions regarding our service, or you just feel like talking, send us a message!

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions